The ANGELS PROJECT is a program that takes place in an ecosystem with a long-term vision. It is the result of the vision and long thought process of Virginie GUIGNARD LEGROS, our founder with several strong ideas:
“A human being remains a human being whether he is in Africa, India, Europe or elsewhere. In a crisis situation his needs remain the same beyond local cultures and religions “.
” A victim, regardless of her place in society, arrives directly at the bottom of Maslow’s Pyramid. It is a social, economic and psychological trap that she will have great difficulty in come out on their own. Only 25% of individuals succeed because they are naturally resilient. The others flow directly. “
” We must give the intellectual, economic, social means and above all hope to a community of victims, so that she can become independent, get up and get out quickly. Teach everyone a useful trade rather than bringing them bags of rice. “
” A farmer who earns months of $ 2 a day cannot afford fashionable sneakers for her children Globalization has created unease e and over delinquency among young people who do not want to live their life. Teaching them to recognize the value of their territory, to love it, is to give them a future “.
” The future of Africa is in the emergence of the middle class which creates diversity and the possibility for the majority to have access to it. When a doctor who arrives freshly graduated from the West settles down and sees himself being paid in chickens, he does not stay. He goes back to the USA, to Europe and will send money to his family. And, all on the spot remain poor, because, what is built in the economy? “
” Our organization wants to send only 5% of foreign personnel to a territory. The first thing to do is to train people locally to help local people. The goal is autonomy, the future. Because otherwise, when we come with an external structure, on the day of departure, everything will collapse “.
” African and European social structures are different. The years of colonization have not erased the millennia that preceded. In some countries we can observe structures or rather hybrid tolerances like in Senegal, but if you take Guinea Conakry, people are not used to this mix and this can create strong misunderstandings between common people and foreigners ” .
“Taking into account each other’s cultural roots is very important in building a relationship of trust. From these relationships of trust are born the standardizing laws and the organs of justice recognized by all. Without trust, there will be no sustainable projects. Without sustainable projects, there is no intercultural future and it is then that conflicts arise where we can even the worst atrocities in the world “.